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Social Security

We have to protect Social Security!  Republicans from George Bush to Donald Trump to Senator Rick Scott, and the recent presidential candidates from that party, have all proposed the cuts/elimination and/or the privatization of our Social Security Administration.  They would love to get their hands on that fund, which would be the end of this program that benefits senior citizens, orphans and the disabled! 

The Social Security Administration provides monthly benefits to over 65 million Americans, including the disabled and children.  Seniors, especially the 'Boomers' live off and support themselves through their Social Security checks. 

Social Security has never missed a payment!  Legislation to protect this valuable government program needs to be enacted prior to its trust fund 'zeroing out' in approximately 10 years.  If we do not act on the SSA funding, benefits will have to be reduced to continue based on current projections.  And worst yet, would be the move to privatize it!

Whether it is raising the earnings cap for contributions that is in place, or another solution, or a combination of incremental changes, I will support well thought out measures to protect this incredible and necessary program.

The Social Security Administration has been in place for 80 years and is the sole source of income for many Americans.  We must protect it. 

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