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 Welcome to Our Campaign's Website!

We have our sights set on the District 23 Congressional seat in 2024!  My job as an elected official is to represent, care for, and protect my constituents - and that means 'everybody'!  As your representative, I will promote responsible stewardship in every regard and topic that comes before me.

Our Democracy and Free and Fair elections are at stake!  It’s time to only select candidates that are serious, honest, and have the best interests of the American people at heart.  Help me restore integrity to the government, protect elections and improve our congressional process!  This could be the last 'real' election cycle, if we lose the presidency and Congress!  

The key to doing the best for each one of you is finding the common ground between us - that represents our district.  The days of ‘my way or the highway’ politics must give way to what is beneficial to those of us in the center.  I promise to address the issues that most affect our under-represented district and offer solutions that will best benefit all of our people.  

I believe in "Country over Party" and will work toward –

  • Stopping the forces that threaten our Democracy, our Rule of Law, and the Constitution,
  • Protecting a woman's right to choose the size and timing of her family, 
  • Protecting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and programs like SNAP, for the future,
  • Supporting Military issues and improving care for Veterans,
  • Continually advocating for those that are marginalized, under-served or unheard, 
  • Strengthening our Southern Border by passing meaningful Immigration policies, such as the recent bi-partisan bill, which has been called the most comprehensive ever!
  • Reducing crime and gun violence through preventative and pro-active measures,
  • Continue to bring good paying jobs home to America,
  • Improving healthcare for all Americans, especially in rural areas, like ours,
  • Programs that focus on and provide child and elderly care,
  • Promoting educational and vocational programs to meet the nation's needs,
  • Supporting environmental, banking, and farm-friendly regulations, 
  • Increasing the opportunities in vital trade schools and apprentice programs,
  • Helping to reduce the costs of college education and the debt associated, 
  • Reductions in wasteful governmental spending, and more!

I support traditional policies in terms of the military, law and order, financial conservatism, small government, personal freedom and accountability.  

Putting an end to the politics of hate, racism and racial inequality have factored strongly into my decision to step into politics. 

Gun violence has impacted our lives beyond our imagination.  I am beyond disappointed and appalled that there is violence in our political sphere!  As a gun owner, I know that I can bring gun owners together to develop and support effective measures to reduce this uniquely-American tragedy.  

As an independent-minded, Democratic candidate for the congressional seat, I am your best bet to support time-tested, American ideals!  Let's work together to unify under the principles our great nation was founded upon!
I’m asking you to take a closer look at what binds us together as human beings – our homes, our jobs, our children, our aging parents.  We all want the best for ourselves and our families, and that’s our common ground!   And, our common ground is how we find our way back to each other!
The congressional chaos that serves none of us must end!  When the gridlock blocks funding for national security measures, it is 'more than' dangerous!  My opponent voted against the aid to Ukraine.  Republican leadership in the House has not brought the bi-partisan, immigration/border security bill up for a vote!  We need to return to a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives!  

With the announcement of JD Vance as the Vice-President, we have a double-MAGA ticket, and all that comes with that, including election denying!

And the Supreme Court has added another key aspect to 'why we must succeed in 2024'!

As you know and have witnessed in the world around us, there are many important reasons to seek election right now, and one of those reasons is you! 
 tc in '24!




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